How Do I Make A Homemade Ballista Catapult For My Science Project?


2 Answers

Rosie Normanton Profile
Rosie Normanton answered
To make a Ballista Catapult, the dimensions of which are significantly smaller than an authentic catapult of this type, is first to assemble your parts. These will consist of five pieces of wood including two pieces of two inches by a quarter inch by 12 inches, one two inch by two inch by 24 inch piece of wood, another three inch by three inch by 12 inches, and finally a 12 inch by 12 inch by 24 inch piece of wood. An addition you will need two two inch wooden cubes, two two inch long by two-inch diameter cylinders, two hoop hooks, two washers, two two-inch metal poles, some nylon string and a length of thin rope.

Firstly using a hammer, nail the three-inch by three-inch piece to the 12 inch by 24 inch piece. Make sure the three-inch block is facing the downwards and fit the two-inch by 24 inch piece to the base, at the top and center. Then nail the two-inch by 12-inch wood to the 24-inch piece, in a T shape before placing the two-inch cubes either side of the T, roughly about three inches.

Grab the other two-inch by 12-inch piece and nail it to the cubes, using just one nail per cube. On each side of the T shape fit each cylinder, nailing a washer three inches in from the outside. Between the cube and the cylinder use a hoop hook and thread the rope through both hooks, twisting it halfway up its length. Using a wooden pencil, manoeuvre it through the rope and fix it to the wood, running the loose end through the washer. Affix the metal poles in the washer holes and tie the rope to the poles, discarding any unwanted rope. Finally secure both ends of the nylon to the pencil.

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