I have a question to ask, but it won't fit here. It regards something strange my little brother did, and I need to know what was happening. My actual question is in the answers?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Sounds like he had a bad nightmare ! Depending on his age, young kids can really get scared from those and think they are real. Wish I knew his age as it seems the younger they are, the more real nightmares seem.

Ethan Baker Profile
Ethan Baker answered

At about one in the morning, I hear a loud THUMP. Then running footsteps. I fall back asleep, only to hear him crying soon after. He runs in place in front of me, then falls asleep on my bed, screaming, "I didn't do anything!" And looks at me with his nose flared, eyes bloodshot, and says "Am I going crazy?" So what even was that, guys?

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