Roy Roy

If you were a chess piece which one would you be? King, queen, rook, knight, bishop, pawn?


6 Answers

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I'd be the queen! Cos I'm always the queen....or so I'm told!

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

I'd like to be a Knight, the steeple chaser of the chessboard. He's a warrior too, and the Magyars call him the Hussar. He's gallant and daring and as tricky as hell.

That's what I'd like to be.

But what has my lifestyle made me?  I'm a pawn. Mind you, pawns may get to do most of the grunt work but they're vindictive little buggers and like nothing better than to slide a knife between the ribs of the other side's officers. If Sun Tzu had ever written a chess manual I'm sure he'd have valued the pawns very highly.

I once wrote a blog article about just this subject when somebody on asked the same question. You can read it at this link.

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

I couldn't be the queen ('cos I am hopelessly male) and all the rest are a bit feeble by comparison. Perhaps a knight - 'cos they are a bit unpredictable. Otherwise, I'd need to invent a new piece.

Nina Nina Profile
Nina Nina answered

I'd be a rook.

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