Lyn Whaat

How do you know if you rekt someone? I was playing an FPS game. This dude, IBeBacon, was being annoying to everyone. I snapped back at him, and he told me, "Shut up, kid!" I told him, "You should stop talking and go be a bacon!" Everyone online was like "REKT!!!" "SHOTS FIRED!!" "BURNN!!!" I don't get the meaning...


1 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Rekt, burn, shots fired are just other ways to say great job with the insult. It's also telling the other guy that your insult was better than his and that he needs to try again. They liked what you said. Lol, we gamers are an interesting people.

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