Roy Roy

What's the first geeky thing you really loved?


11 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

I stayed up all night to see it, when I was a wee little Trekkie :)

Tris Fray Potter Profile

I became obsessed with astronomy when we did it in grade 3, which actually helped me get 100% on my physics test about astronomy about a month ago.

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KB Baldwin
KB Baldwin commented
I also - it kinda went with the SF obsession. Had a little telescope I would use to peer at the stars. Took photos of the moon thru it, and a little plastic Spitz Planetarium that turned my bedroom into a star-map.
Tris Fray Potter
Tris Fray Potter commented
I got a cheap telescope for Christmas that didn't work very well; I ended up throwing it away after it broke. My friend has a (by far) better one that I use when I go to her place.
KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

Science fiction since I first encounteredit in 5th grade (circa 1955)

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