Roy Roy

What is more important to you when playing a video game, the graphics, the soundtrack or the story?


3 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I love RPGs because they have the best stories in the video game world. Case and point, Starwars: Knights of The Old Republic and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Kvothe Savien Profile
Kvothe Savien answered

Out of the three I'd have to go with story. Soundtrack definitely a close 2nd but for me it feeds into story. I've always been a big fan of the Final Fantasy franchise which are very story driven games. 

Nealious James Profile
Nealious James answered

Roy! The gameplay is everything that matters to me! These days, the only one
that I am playing is this simple platformer: and as you will notice,
it’s a very easy mobile game with a cool soundtrack and rather trendy graphics.
I have it on my Apple devices and apart from it, I also have a few other
next-gen ones! One of these is an AAA from and it’s called
Mortal Kombat X. The visuals seen in this title are amazing, I was blown away.
Check it out:! Hope this helps and happy

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