Roy Roy

If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?


7 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

My first reaction is neither. I am happier where I am now than where I was 5 years ago. And my parents are getting older and have had some health issues pop up. I don't want to know if one or both are not going to be around in 5 years. With all that said if it was to go back for a quick visit, I would be very tempted to go back on love on my pup Thor. He is the one in my avatar. I miss him. He was a true mama's boy and I miss his big ol' head resting on me when I sit or lay down.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

The future. Why? Sense of adventure.

Of course, hitting the future button is a little risky. What if I'm due to be struck down by lightning in, say, four years. Will I just have brought myself straight to that moment by hitting the button.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered


I'm having way too much fun in the "now."

Goaty McSheepson Profile

I would choose to go 5 years back into the past. As much as it would pain me to do so (to go back and relive some of the things that have happened) I would be able to avoid a lot of past conflicts, while retaining information that I have learnt in these 5 years, maybe ace some tests (haha), gain some friends(, keep some friends), and somehow use what little worldly knowledge that I have accumulated in this time to be somehow be beneficial to a larger degree.

If you mean going five years into the past as living my life with my past self as a separate being, I don't really know.

I'd rather not go to the future in case it was overly upsetting or disappointing.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

5 years in the future. The past I know and can't change, the future, its the unknown, may possibly be very productive and enjoyable.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

5 years in the future which would be the year 2022 I guess to see how my life would be . If it was the same or not and to see how old I would be by 2022 I would be 37.

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