Roy Roy

What is something that money cannot buy?


8 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

The joy one feels from the simple things. Such as listening to  small child laugh. The feel of the sun on your face during a cold crisp day. The warmth from a hug from a loved one. 

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered


Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

The commodities which cannot be obtained with money tend to be the most important of all:

More time

Physical, spiritual or cognitive immortality

Personal integrity or high character

True love



Peace on earth

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

You can buy nothing without money. Obviously, you can't buy small, cute, cuddly, warm, and best moments like loves and hugs. You can get items from store, but how long will you keep it until you get sick of it and throw it out? I'm thinking in like a week to a month or even a year. Or even better, until you die. 'Cause in the end you've lost you're memories, your items, your soul, your lover, your family, anything. It was never meant to be yours in the end. It belonged to someone else. Where did you get that soul from? I don't know. God?... The soul must've been someone else, and now, it has everything you owned. Now, you have nothing. That soul ends up finding another vessel, taking the items you had, and the cycle repeats, going in circles and circles. Soon, that soul is pleased, and it fades away, including the items and those small, cute, cuddly moments. This means money can't buy back your life, including everything in your life. "You only live once." ~Anon.

Linilla Schmidt Profile
Linilla Schmidt answered

Money cannot go back and change the unreachable past.
History for ex.

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