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I guess what I'm curious about is a daily average. How often do you and your significant other disagree about things( both major and seemingly trivial )? Also as a bonus would you quote how long you've been in this relationship


6 Answers

Sheldon  Cooper Profile
Sheldon Cooper answered

10 years-

And we disagree lots

Just started raising a17 year old young man , and her and I disagree daily. I'm to easy on him ,I think she's to tough

Hard to find a midd

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

You have heard the saying opposites attract? Living proof right here. On average 3-5 times a day, mostly minor stuff. We've been married 20 years. Together another 15 months before that. It would be boring if we agreed on  everything.

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

We never disagree, I won't allow it. I get my way or it's the highway. She isn't even smart enough to formulate, let alone orate a sentence of disagreement. She wasn't the smartest one in the litter either.

Of course, my significant other is my dog.

dragonfly forty-six Profile

We disagree a few times a week. We have a serious fight maybe once a year. It depends on the matter at hand. We let trivial things go by. Things like picking up after yourself, replacing the toilet roll. More serious issues would be, respect issues, family issues(his and mine) money issues.

I have to say that with age things have changed. We argue differently. We have argument rules. We don't discuss anything if we are; hungry, tired, sick. When we were young it was more about who won, who was right, who could hold out longer, all games. Now we just find it futile to be mad. Now, together, we look for mutual solutions that will help us both. If we still disagree then we agree to disagree and move on. We never bring up the past. It works for us. Married for almost 28 years, together off and on for 35 years. We were apart for a few years so we could grow and experience life before we settled down.

6 People thanked the writer.
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Thank you. That's comforting that things can/ might improve with age and time shared.
dragonfly forty-six
Being with someone isn't easy. Its work. I think with time you just are able to figure out what works, and what doesn't. We are wholeheartedly committed but are only together because we WANT to be. I'm not going to settle, I'm not here for any obligation. I cannot be unhappy. I won't. Life is too damn short.
Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
"Being with someone isn't easy. Its work. I think with time you just are able to figure out what works, and what doesn't. " - I can agree with this. If you are lucky, you give each other perspective along the way and grow together . . . this still makes it something to work at, but a little easier down the road.
Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

29 years, and We disagree on things all the time. Maybe on average once to three times a week, but nothing to get in an argument about.

Respect for one's personal opinion adds to the relationship. I wouldn't want a Steppford Wife, and anyone who would has a touch more narcissism then they are admitting to.

Curiously Curious Profile


We don't disagree a lot. We have different opinions on many topics but we agree to disagree!  As far a major disagreements or arguments I'd say those do happen about 3-2 times a month. Which I don't think is bad. And they don't normally last long. We try to never go to bed mad at one another.

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