
Your adult daughter that doesn't live at home is alway saying she has no money and then you seen she has several new tattoos. Do you say something?


1 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

Well, you could say something like, "Jill, I did notice that you are constantly saying that you don't have any money, however, it does seem like you are choosing to get tattoos instead of taking care of your other bills."

However, be prepared for some push-back as in "I'm an adult and I can get tattoos if I want to!!!"

What might work better is - "Jill, I have noticed that you enjoy getting tattoos and was curious if you saved up to get your tattoos or did it come out of your regular budget?" A question like this MIGHT get her to start thinking about how she prioritizes her bills, or it might not.

If they were asking me for money, I would ask to see their budget. Otherwise, I would probably keep my yap shut unless they specifically asked me for advice. If they are not asking for advice, they are probably not looking to make any changes in how they do their money.

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