
How Much Memory Does A 2gb Hold?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A 2 gb memory card can hold up to 300 or 400 songs 150 pictures a 2gb memory card has 2,000,000,000 memory and it depends on the amount of mb thats are being used on the memory card
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a 4 GB Sd micro memory card and it's now full. It holds about 750 songs and (on mine) it holds 301 pictures! I don't think sd cards are used to film and hold videos ( but it might). Therefore, a 2GB memory card must hole about half of the music and pictures I have approximately! I hope that answers your questions. However, the capacity of memory on music and pictures can lower if you film video or get downloaded videos (but that may not work as said above, depending on what sort of memory card you have!).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
:) A 2GB memory card holds 300-400 songs :)
:) A 2GB memory card holds 150-200 pictures :)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As much as it can until it is full. About 300 songs and 150 pictures. Till it is fit to burst!!!
Simon Profile
Simon answered
If this is memory/RAM then it's great, will run Vista or pretty much anything

if this is hard disk space, then you've got a problem, that's barely enough room to install Vista
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It can hold a lot a one gb can hold around 3.500 songs or bout 10,000 pics or a lot of data
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know my friend has a 2 GB hard drive and it holds AIM, iTunes, Word and internet and some other things
Asuka Jr. Profile
Asuka Jr. answered
2gb. Nothing holds more than it actually is, so as your question was 'How much memory does a 2gb hold?', the answer must be 2gb.
Now the answer given by the anonymous contributor who says 'it has 2,000,000,000' almost got it right, but it's 2 Billion bytes of storage space (and is why the anonymous user who answered '1.25 mb' ALSO almost got it right, except that it's closer to 1.35 GB... Not MB. A 2Gb device holds over a THOUSAND MB... 1.25Mb is less than we used to store on the old floppy disks that they don't even make anymore... (^_^)

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