
What Are The Areas Of Knowledge Important For End Users To Understand Information Systems?


4 Answers

Mehreen Misbah Profile
Mehreen Misbah answered
The five areas of knowledge that are important for end users to understand Information Systems are:

Foundation concepts: End users must be familiar with the basic components and the types of Information Systems there are. Also they need to be familiar with the general systems theory and theories of information processing (both machine and human).

Business applications: How Information Systems are applied to business applications is more complext than it seems. End users seek to learn about using Information Systems for solving existing problems and also should begin to use Information Systems as a way of defining problems and meeting business opportunities. For this, end user should be familiar with the areas of user needs, office automation, transaction processing and functional areas of business, management reporting, decision support, executive support, competitive advantage and artificial intelligence.

Information technology: End users should understand information technology more precisely. Information technology of hardware, software, telecommunications and database management and how these elements interact under a random process of change, development and new ways of doing business.

Development processes: End users should also gain basic understanding of basic concepts of problem-solving and development. For this purpose, they must be familiar with the systems processing, the system development life cycle and prototyping. How managers use IS is something very vital for end-users to understand.

Management challenges: Nowadays end users are required to have knowledge in management methodologies as Information technology demands that end users make more independent decisions that support the company's overall objectives.
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plays a more and more vital role in current organisations. Business process is multifaceted
and dynamic, physical labour is being replace by knowledge job, require a high
level of skills and capability. Knowledge and skill that are of worth to the association
tend to be personified in individuals hard to replacement. Relations between
organisations these days are extremely complicated, the marketplace is worldwide.
The speed of dealings in the dynamic financial system requires the ability to
interpret and react to in order about change in the surroundings approximately immediately. Middle organization is disappearing, leaving lower
levels in the system of government with higher responsibilities. The quantity
of knowledge obtainable on any subject is increasing to a height that is
impossible to grasp in its total. Finding and choose knowledge that is of the uppermost
value to the association or the individual employee seems an approximately
impossible task. Organisations are necessary to apply new technologies and to
innovate timely in anticipation of changes in the marketplace rather than as a response
to business decline. Knowing at what time, how and what to innovate therefore
is a key capability for organisations.

Robert Lamp Profile
Robert Lamp answered

Seven End user IS tools (Bridged And O"Connor "s) :1. Text Handling/ document management

2. Data handling tools

3. Multimedia/graphic and design

4. Communication tools

5. Group Systems/collaborative technologies

6. Time management

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Seven End user IS tools (Bridged And O'Connor 's)  :
1. Text Handling/ document management
2. Data handling tools
3. Multimedia/graphic and design
4. Communication tools
5. Group Systems/collaborative technologies
6. Time management
7. Knowledge management/performance support

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