
Why Is Water Conservation Important In Singapore ?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Water Conservation is important in singapore as our water is not always cleaneven though we have NEWater. We need to buy water from other countries to prevent water shortage  or if there is a drought in Singapore. Currently, NEWater is producing wwater
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Water is very precious. As Singapore does not have enough water for drinking, we have to buy water from our neighboring countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. However, our contract with neighboring countries will be ending soon. And also, new water plant is expensive and most people use it only for industrial purposes. Thus, water conservation is important.
Hassan Raza Profile
Hassan Raza answered
With a population of almost 4 million today, the demand for water in Singapore is on the increase. Water is needed for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, and a myriad of other activities, in places like homes, offices, hotels and factories. You can imagine the disastrous effect if water supply was served.

It is estimated that every Singaporean consumes 250 liters of water a day; that is more than 1 billion liters a day for the entire population. The consumption rate is expected to grow at the rate of 3% a year with her rapid growth in population, industries and other economic activities. By the year 2020, the total consumption is expected to double that of the present consumption.

According to estimates by the public utilities board of Singapore (pub), more than 50% of the total water supply in Singapore is consumed by domestic activities, of which bathing, laundering and toilet flushing consume the largest amount. Industrial plants, public utilities, tourism and farms are the major sectors that consume large amounts of water.

About half of the water supply comes from Singapore's own surface water sources stored in her reservoirs. Smaller reservoirs have been constructed with the building of dams across rivers or concrete walls across coastlines . There are also special pounds constructed in special housing estates for the collection of rain water.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Water is essential to all living things. We can live for days without food, but not without water.
About three-quarters of the earth is made up of water but most of it is sea water, which has too much salt in it to be drinkable. For sea water to become drinkable, it needs to be treated by an expensive process to remove the salt and other impurities. This process is called desalination.
Singapore's water supply comes from local sources as well as from Johor. Even this fresh water has to be properly treated before it is safe to drink.

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