Joyce Hall
Joyce Hall answered Virginia Lou's question

Take the eggs away as soon as possible and try to get another chicken to 'foster them'

My husband was brought up on a farm and he said they do that.

Nealious James
Nealious James answered Joyce Hall's question

Hi Joyce! I do believe in the fact that a meteorite ended things for these mighty lizards! The impact was so nasty and it caused the death of most life forms on our planet! Whatever survived had to quickly evolve to keep up with very harsh environmental conditions and live on very little food. This … Read more

MA Khan
MA Khan answered

  • It inhabited in the temperate regions of North America. Such regions were rich in vegetation such as woods, shrubs and grasses. These vegetation rich areas were home to large herbivores like bison, antelope, horses, camels, deer, mastodons, mammoths and ground sloths, most of which were their main source of food.

Source: SaberRead more

MA Khan
MA Khan answered

  • Saber tooth tiger habitat mainly consists of grasslands, shrubby areas, and pine forests that have permanent water sources such as floodplains, marshes, swamps,  bogs, rivers, lakes and wetlands.
  • It inhabited in the temperate regions of North America. Such regions were rich in vegetation such as woods, shrubs and grasses. These vegetation rich areas were home to … Read more
Nealious James
Nealious James answered Skip Gentry's question

Hi there! I only have dogs and their favourite treats are butter biscuits, roasted chicken meat and livers, raw bones, bananas, mangoes, papayas, potatoes cooked in meat, carrots and several other vegetables. My pets are not used to kibbles or pellets; these treats are too expensive and I do not trust their content at all!

Firstname Refreshme lastname
Firstname Refreshme lastname answered Yin And Yang's question

Be careful they can be viscous and oftentimes carry Rabies. I think pepper spray would make him/her go away.

If you keep feeding him, he/she will never go away.

Worse is when you get a family of them living in your attic. They do a lot of damage and their urine really reeks. By then you will … Read more