Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Harsh Daga's question

The answer you will read on this link should give you some idea of what your teacher wants you to be writing about---which is, I assume, how the narrative moved or affected you.

(It seems coherence is in the mind of the reader. I do have to pause when I read the question, … Read more

Rath Keale
Rath Keale answered Harsh Daga's question

This isn't even a coherent sentence.  Sticking a question mark at the end of a bunch of words does not increase readability or make it into a question.  Perhaps, if you had done your own work all along and asked for help when you didn't understand material, you would be capable of doing this work … Read more

Megan goodgirl
Megan goodgirl answered Anonymous' question

To me she's pretty with blonde hair and  a nice dress on and somewhere in the woods or by a lake.

Jaimie  JT
Jaimie JT answered Anonymous' question

I can't be much help on this Q because I have no idea what literal devices means :/ soz .. But I love this song and think every girl and woman should hear it :) especially the Ed Sheeran version . It's lovely :)

Danae Hitch
Danae Hitch answered

I think its the author itself. He expresses his thoughts,feelings or emotions by writing a poem. He wants the Filipinos especially Rizal, to wake up and start to make a move to claim the freedom of the Philippines. His poem inspires so many Filipinos to fight back and come up with ideas.

Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn answered Fathima Hiba's question

I think if you do a little studying on this site, it will help you with that poem. It's an old poem and can be interpreted in different ways. This site seems to be able to help.

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