
Where Did Islam Come From?


32 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All these answers are incorrect the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, did worship God the christian God but they were not Christian's since one of the key christian beliefs is that Jesus is the son of God and that he died and was risen from the dead. At the time of Adam and eve that had not yet happened that had not happened yet. The reason this is important to the question is because several others on here put that Adam "founded" this religion but anyone who has actually read the Koran would know this can not be true. They would also know that this religion is very separate from Christianity and that no matter how it seems Christians and Muslims are not worshiping the same god. Why? Because, in the Koran the words disagree with the words of the bible which was written down by men who God choose to speak to. Muhammad is the founder and spreader of the Islamic religion, Adam and Eve believed in god and could not have believe in the Islamic religion because it does not follow Gods laws and Denys Jesus as being the son of God. Muhammad is considered a prophet to Muslims and the entire religion is a spin off of Christianity based on a vision that either was not from god (meaning from the devil not from another god, since there are no other Gods,) or it simple did not happen. If anyone else on here has read the Koran or knows some of it they should know that it preaches evil. Exactly where did the two religions of Christianity and the Islamic religion split off? Where instead of leading people Muslims to the Christian religion it lead them astray?
Abraham and his son Ishmael, I won't go to far into detail cause this is getting pretty long already  but needless to say Abraham and Ishmael didn't lead them astray the Arabic peoples disagreed with the teachings at this point and hence the breaking off has begun. Although they broke away from the followings of the church and built there own churches. They were still worshiping God but not following the prophets or other religion leaders God had appointed. Anyways the Islamic religion was crated by Muhammad who claimed to have had a vision from God in which he was told to spread a new religion. Look it up at your leisure but yeah that's the actual answer to your question. Also to make another thing clear, Jesus absolutely did not invent the Islamic religion!!

P.S. The bible is full of Gods words and even if you don't believe that people who talk about the bible still refer to the bible as gods word. Do you know what the Koran is full of? Muhammad's words, check it out because I'm right  

P.S.S. I assume this will be actually posted since every one is so concerned with freedom of speech who would dare deny me off it? That just wouldn't be right. Also if you want to say I'm preaching, go ahead and say that, because yes, yes I am. As a christian its my job to spread the word of God.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It was Ishmael in the Bible. Sarah was mad because she didn't have a baby for Abraham. She let the bond maid have a baby through Abraham. Ishmael started it and later Sarah had a baby. His name was Issac and he went against it. Ishmael brought the religion in the house. Look it up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't listen to those wrong answers. The right answer is Jesus!¡
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's a 'made up' religion with it's own man made rules where violence and hatred for anyone who isn't  muslim or male is practiced
Thomas Leach Profile
Thomas Leach answered
One day the Muslim and Jews and Christian and the world  will all fall to their Knees and ask God to forgive them for being so stupid.  First take the  Log out of your own eye so you may see the truth.
Jesus is God only son or God in the flesh and came  here because we are all sinners. He Know what was going to happen to him it was foretold.  Read the old testament. Whom else claim to be the one that was for told No one but Jesus.  Who raised the Dead, heal the sick, made the Blind see? ONLY ONE JESUS.  God loves you and sent his only son and we killed him what do you think would happen today? We would deny him again, make fun of him, say he is just a crazy Religious Nut we might even stone him or crucified him.  Wake up world your time is at hand ask the Lord to forgive you.  YOU have a chance take it today  and trust the Lord.  Love the Lord with all your heart speak to him he is listening he will guide you on the right path. Repent for the time is at hand.
God can fight his own battles and need NO ONE TO KILL FOR HIM IN HIS HOLY NAME.  LOVE EACH OTHER TRUST THE LORD..
Mohsin Ali Profile
Mohsin Ali answered
Yes Hazrat Adam (A.S.) started this religion. This is the religion that God gave Him to follow. +/-124000 (1st of them was Adam (A.S.) and the last was Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)) prophets were sent by God for the well being and teaching of mankind. All of them followed and spreaded Islam with several updations that were required in their respective eras. The last updations was given by God to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Prophet Mohammad didn't started Islam. He just continuted it with new instructions and updations from God. Till dooms day, now no further updations will come as Prophethood is stoped at last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Now success of mankind is in following Isam (the updation that was given through Mohammad (PBUH).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Prophet Muhammad, We believe in Allah. Allah is god of moslem people. Muhammad is Allah's Messanger.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually  the Father of the Islamic Nation is Ishmael. Ishmael was Abrahams illegitimate son with his handmaiden Hagar. Now he had this son with Hagar at sarahs insistance. When Ishmael  was in his teens around 17 at the time Sarah became pregnant with Isaac. When Hagar and Ishmael looked upon Isaac they had hatred  in their eyes. Sarah and Abraham noticed this and Abraham ran Ishmael and Sarah off  into the wilderness to die with nothing but the clothes on their back. While out in the wilderness Hagar cried out to God.And the Bible says God came down and pointed to Ishmael and said "And I will also make of you a great nation."
    Ishmael and Hagar returned to Egypt and thus the Islamic nation began.Now Mohammad is not the founder of the Islamic nation like it or not,however Mohammed's role is crucial to the existence of the Nation of Islam today.
   In or around the 7th century AD the Roman empire had conquered much of the world.The Bedouin empire of Saudia Arabia and the Assyrian empire were under Catholic rule.The Warlord Mohammed came in and took back that Bedouin empire from the Catholics and ressurected the Islamic nation. Further proof of these facts comes from this, the Islamic nation does teach the First 4 books of the Old testament the Tora. Because they were written by Moses and we all know Moses was raised by the Pharoah in Egypt. As well as the Quran. The belief that the Islamic/Muslim religion began in the 7h century is not accurate what most people forget is the crusades had almost done away with the Muslim world but Mohammed came in and fought for his homeland and thus brought it back.This is why the Muslims look at Mohammed as their Saviour for he saved the Muslim world from extinction.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Firstly Muhammad was not a Warlord he was a shepherd and trader in Arabia before Prophet hood. Secondly Indeed Abraham and Ismael are his forefathers but there religion has had been corrupted like All divine religions had been due to thisGod chose him as the last messenger and made Islam the last Divine religion which spread in a peaceful manner. If the battles fought during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet Muhammad are taken into account then only 1000 men died considering both sides.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi, First there was the ongoings in the Old testament sometimes violent & harsh then Jesus came with the new started to spread unfortunately the Bedowins did not know Jesus but about 600 years after Jesus' death they heard his teachings and they saw that communities that had these practices did well...they did not agree with Jesus but they took some of his teachings and adapted them to the believes they hold dear ...i.e. My way or the highway and women are dirt and they created their own"Bible" called to Koran.  They created the Koran they took some of his teachings from both the old and  new testaments and made their own however, unlike Jesus' teachings to turn the other cheek Mohammed teaches to send "TERROR" into the hearts of those who do not believe in him....its a made up bit of fluff...  Soon to disappear as do all of these sorts of bunk...  .
thanked the writer.
Jibrail Faith
Jibrail Faith commented
If we have the Old Testament and then the New Testament... Why is it hard to believe that God sent the Final Testament? Science is something you should look into when comparing the three Holy Scriptures. You'll see the different between all three.

Muslims Believe The Recitation was sent to earth to correct the previous tampered Scriptures (religions). Just the way The Good News (Evangeel/Injeel) was sent to correct The Instruction/Law Scripture (The Torah).
i aint tellin monoh
I hope u go 2 hell bitch. How dare you say such things about Islam?
Jibrail Faith Profile
Jibrail Faith answered
From God > Arch Angel Gabriel > Prophet/Messenger Muhammad > To Mankind [Through Teaching & The Recitation/Al Quran (Scripture)]
Ethan Graham Profile
Ethan Graham answered
Islam came from the their sacred prophet Mohammad, who was said to have spoken to God and write the islamic bible q'uran.
lavania bantleman Profile
The founder of Islam was The Prophet Mohammed born in the trading tribe of Qoreish in Mecca on April 20th 571. The prophet whose name means "Highly Praised" was illiterate and led a life of poverty and simplicity and yet founded a religion that heralded magnificent cultures and civilizations and influenced the lives of vast numbers of people across the continents of Africa, Asia and Europe.

The Koran which is the holy book of the Muslims is said to contain a direct revelation from God and not as most people assume the literary work of Prophet Mohammed. This revelation is said to have come to Prophet Mohammed one day as he was praying and he was asked by the Angel Gabriel to go and spread the word of God. Khadija who was the wife of Prophet Mohammed was his first disciple and follower of Islam.

Islam which means "resignation to the will of God" advocates brotherhood, equality to all men and a simple, honest way of life. Prophet Mohammed was a peace loving man, who believed in selflessness and the service of humanity and the religion Of Islam is based on these very Principle's.
Jagath Jayasena Profile
Jagath Jayasena answered
To prove some thing you need at least 2 or more witnesses. The base of Prophet Mohamed there's only one witness. Him self. There's no other to back him up. Where as Bible, so many witnesses. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James, etc. So many people giving one massage. One God. Can so many people go wrong against one?  My logic is that what if that one person made a mistake? What is his all the followers carry?
Tatjana Dyck Profile
Tatjana Dyck answered
I started to do some research, but I didnt find what my dad told me, so here it is:
Mohammed was fleeing from people who didnt like him, he found refuge with some catholic monks.  He copied lots of stuff from the Bible.  When he got out, he took the koran, gave it to a guy, that he made sit in a well.  He told people that god is giving them the word, the pulled the koran out of the well.  Then they threw stones into the well (to kill the only other person who knew it was a fraud).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Islam is a fake religion.mohammed took the christians ideas and stories and made them to his liking.he then said the angel gabriel sent him to earth and that he was a prophet but really he lied.he was nothing but a lier and persecuter of the christian faith.christianity is the one true religion!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Islam is the original belief in one God.  By definition, submission to the will of God.  Adam and Eve, by definition was Muslim, one who submit to the will of God is a Muslim.  There has been many prophets and messengers through out history, including Mosas, Jesus.  Mohammand's significance was that the Koran, God's final message which can't be corrupted by human hands, was revealed during his time and that Mohammad was the seal of the prophets. No more prophets or messengers will be sent after him,  the Koran is the word of God that was revealed at the height of the arabic language.  Removing or changing a single word from a sentence from the Koran makes the sentence fall apart.   Islam didn't come from Mohammad like most propaganda would lead you to believe.  It is more of a rebirth to the original monotheistic belief from Adam and Eve.  Jews like to claim to be the first monotheistic religion, but modern jews didn't exist until several generations after Moses.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Islam is not a religion that have been come from a time it is a religion and a was when HAZRAT ADAM A.S  come on our earth god have called islam as the religion of peace and progress but in today's world we r not trying to keep praises for doing good things religion is not a word to be read religion is in our lives you must know it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It existed even before the existence of the world<on earth it was started by adam & eve or adam & hawwa> peace & blessings be upon them)>it was not jesus or prophet muhammad{pbuh} who started the religion they were merely the followers of the religion now this isthe right answer:>
Ul-Rata Erawan Profile
Ul-Rata Erawan answered
If Islam existed many years before Mohamad then why Koran was written 150 years after the death of Mohamad.Do you think the facts and figures of what Mohamad thought was intake.Is there any inscription of Sanskrit on the inside walls of the Kaaba according to saya-ul-okul page 315.Why is that in Mecca we practice of going round the Kaaba 7 times and not any other mosques in the world?
Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Islam is a religion which began in Arabia during the 7th century. It began under the rule of Muhammad, who spread Islam all over Arabia. The Islamic states spread from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to central Asia in the east, during the cetury of his death. This religion was later spread by religion conversions and military conquest.

However, the Quran states that this religion is believed to be sent by God through Mohammad, who was sent through the angel Gabriel. Muslims believe that God's only prophet was Mohammad. They believe it was the final revelation of God towards human and that this teaching will remain till the day of resurrection.

Islam is known as Abrahamic religion. Islam is the second largest religion in the United Kingdom. The five pillars of Islam are Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj.
thanked the writer.
Sefatullah Halim
Sefatullah Halim commented
What you write is ok, but what do you mean by "Muslims beleive that God's only prophet was Mohammad"? If you mean that they beleive that there was only one prophet which is Mohammad, then you are wrong, and if you mean there were many prophets but the Mohammad wad the last one then you are write. Muslims beleive in all rligions come from the God side.

In todays world many people read about islam, to find the truth of life and also find the meaning of human creation.
Anonymous commented
Yes In Islam a Muslim has belief in all prophets but Muhammad{p.b.u.h) is considered as last Messenger of Allah and Islam as the last divine religion and It confirms all previous divine faiths however it also says that other religions have been distorted
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Islam this religion have been started by hazrat adam a.s when he has been come on earth from that time this religion is going n it will be never end in the universe/
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hazrat Adam aleh salaam was the first man in this world he was the grand father of all peoples.and he was came in earth for spread the preach of islam but that time its was very difficult he just shows the methods of islamic ways to peoples.
star Shailz Profile
star Shailz answered
Islam was created by Allah but was passed down to The Prophets to teach Islam and spread the peace. However as years went by some people decided to change the religious scriptures and so it came to the fact of many other religons were created.
Mia Teeliumtrozzle Profile
The Prophet Muhummad started the Islamic Religion.It happened one day when he was praying in a cave on Mount Hira. An angel of God appeared and spoke to him about Religion, and revealed the word of God to him.The angel appeared many times and told him to invite people to be Muslims. Muhummad and his followers were persecuted for their beliefs so they fled from Mecca to Medina in the year 622.That marks the beginning of the Muslim calender.
Frenka Alooshian Profile
Islam began circa 610 AD when a trader named Muhammad, at age 40, claimed to begin to receive messages from God. These were recorded and became the Koran.  Islam was spread throughout the area by brutal military force.

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