
What Is A Womb?


2 Answers

John Elder Profile
John Elder answered
The womb is where the embryo of the baby grows. The egg once it has left the ovary travels down the fallopian Tubes to the womb where it stays until fertilized by the male sperm. If the egg is not fertilized it is passed out of the body during your period and a new egg travels down to the womb and waits as before to be fertilized.

The entrance to the womb is called the cervix this is where the sperm get through to the egg from the vagina. When you become pregnant a small plug of mucus forms at the entrance of the cervix to help prevent infection getting to the baby.

The egg attaches itself to the womb wall and when fertilized forms a bag round the baby called the placenta These holds a fluid for protection and the umbilical cord from the baby is attached to the womb wall and through this food and nutrients is passed to the baby as it grows

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