
How Do Dogs Talk To Each Other?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have you ever noticed that when one dog starts to bark, so does every other dog in the neighbourhood? Are they talking to each other, or just joining in the twilight bark? Barking, whining and howling are just some of the ways that dogs communicate, or talk, with one another.

There are four main types of communication that dogs use ~ barking, growling, howling and whimpering. Howls can be heard over long distances and when dogs were wild animals, they would use this form of communication to let the rest of their pack know where they were. There are two types of barking ~ an alarm bark and a challenging bark. The alarm bark informs other dogs that there is danger ahead. The challenging bark is one that warns another dog to back off.

Growling is used when one dog has possession of something and doesn't want the other dog to come near him. Growling is also used to discipline other members of the pack. Whimpering is a sign of friendliness or happiness and often used between dogs who are friends or from the same litter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dogs don't communicate by talking. They express their feelings by their actions.
Shuvamoy Majumder Profile
By barking at each other....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When I say "TALK" to my little pomeranian (Sandy) he howls like a wolf or something its really funny looking and when I hold him on his back and say "PRAY" he puts his two front paws together .. Hes so smart its unreal :L
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog barks at random things on the wall that's cause he's a shitzu an he has a bunch of hair in his face so he could barley see ....but my parents are getting ride of him because he's a mess they say 1000 dollars of crap for waste what a good idea
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dogs talk in their own way. Just like we communicate in ours. For the meshck, I am sure they think you are slow too and hate you too. Many dogs are smarter than most humans. It how much you put into them and take the time to love them. Just like most kids. They are only as smart as you invest.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They talk to eachother threw noises and body language. There is no written language like humans have but they understand the meaning. Sometimes I talk to my dog by just using head nods or noises. They Are very observant. But are very relyant on repetition for understanding a communication. So besides the basic growl , bark, whimper, ect, there isn't much talking going on. It's more important on when it's used and under what circumstances.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sometimes my dogs se another dog and they stand face and make a bunch of high pitch sounds and mi dog does it to me
rayven howard Profile
rayven howard answered
I know dogs talk to each other because I  have 3 dogs and one day they were all standing in  a circle and my dog chubz barked and the shadow would bark and then chubz did and then ginger did and it was like back and forth between them all.  So therefore they were talking,obviously.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What the heck
YEah like a dog is really get in a circle and talk to each other what the heck they can communicate in ways but they are not going to sit there and just chat up a storm

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