
What Are The Bad Effects Of Playing Online Games?


17 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
“According to the latest research from Japan, prolonged periods playing with game consoles can lead to decreased brain activity and cause users to suffer from severe emotional and behavioral problems. The study, conducted at Tokyo's Nihon University, has revealed that people who spend long periods playing video games demonstrate less activity in the prefrontal region of their brain -- which governs emotion and creativity -- than their peers. Researchers claim that side effects can include loss of concentration, an inability to control temper and problems socializing or associating with others (2)."

Some of the physical effects of video games are "Social isolation — Players often play alone and the games have little real-world application. They may spend less time in other activities such as sports, reading, interacting with the family, or doing homework. Increased aggressive behavior — Despite the limitations of the studies, most experts agree on the basic link between games and increased aggression. Desensitization to gender issues — Women are often portrayed as weak, ineffective, or having exaggerated chests. Rewarding violent behavior — In violent video games the winners are usually the ones who have more violent options at their command — and use them. Negotiating and other nonviolent solutions are often not options. Seizures— Although seizures are not commonly triggered, "Some kids are more prone to flashes of light when they occur at certain frequencies." Says Walsh, A Scientist "We see strobe warnings in theaters, but not in video games." Repetitive stress injuries — Carpal tunnel syndrome is a familiar lament. So is "Nintendo Grip," which can make it difficult for children who play games a lot to hold a pencil properly (4)."

If video games are so rewarding, scientists believe that it will be easier for children and teenagers to become addicted to them (15). Ryuta Kawashima is a professor at tohoku university in japan, he works on brain imaging and fouunt out that playing video games "stunt teen brains" (6). Recent studies at a japanese university state that long periods of exposure to video games may cause behavioral and mental problems (2). Scroll to the top of the page and click on the desired link to continue on to the desired page.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is said that  Playing Online Games have adverse effect on students. Those who play for long time can become extremists and also cause lack of concentration in studies. But there are also some games like Sudoko which help to develop their intellectual skills.  
Katie Miles Profile
Katie Miles answered

Unfortunately, the worst effect is dependence on the games at all. 

Kelly Howie Profile
Kelly Howie answered
Because some kids might get addicted to it and not want to do anything else like school work
Anna Nenasheva Profile
Anna Nenasheva answered

Negative effect:

1. Preoccupation:

If your teen is suffering from video game addiction, he will exhibit a preoccupation with the game even when he is away with it. He will look distracted, irritable and will talk about the game all the time.

2. Play In Secret:

Your teen will start playing in secret or will lie to you about how long he or she has been playing. He either will lie blatantly or will find ways to hide when he is playing. He will also make excuses to play video games.

3. Aggression:

Aggression is another specific sign of teenage addiction to video games. Your teen may show aggression if he loses a game.

Positive effect:

1. It Improves The Cognitive Functions:

According to research conducted by C. Shawn Green, the psychologist of the University of Wisconsin, video games can benefit the teen’s cognitive functions. It changes the brain structure exactly the same way while playing the piano, navigating the map and learning to read. The combination of concentration and the surges of neurotransmitters strengthen the neural circuits that build the brain.

2. Hand And Eye Coordination:

Research has shown that teens can learn spatial, visual, and iconic skills from the video games. Some games require a great deal of visual-spatial ability and hand-eye coordination to be successful. The player has to coordinate the brain’s reaction and interpretation with his hands and fingertip movements.

3. Quick Thinking And Accuracy:

The action in video games prepares the gamers to make quick decisions. It trains the brain to make fast decisions without losing accuracy. A study has also shown that video games can train surgeons and soldiers.
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Smith Matheson Profile
Smith Matheson answered

I found an interesting information for this topic that online games can be not so bad... For example online games can help to exercise creativity, set goals, practice persistence, develop responsibility, and even learn new information.

But don't forget about a bad side of should take a rest =))

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Cretu Adrian Profile
Cretu Adrian answered

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Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered

First of all, it is a waste of time if kids play these for
long hours. Another disadvantage is that they may unknowingly download viruses while
trying to access games. Also, gamers tend to become lazy and they might not
perform any physical activity. A lack of exercise can have a negative impact on
their health.

Micheal Pellegrin Profile

Unfortunately, there are several of them even in the, seems, rather simple and free games. First, it is the wasting of your time that you can spent with your family, for instance. Even  will have less harm on yor activities.

Matilda Kunher Profile
Matilda Kunher answered

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