
What Does A "Production Coordinator" Do?


1 Answers

Arlene Fernandes Profile
A production Coordinator is in charge of the production schedule from beginning to end and is vital to the Production control in any sort of manufacturing. This position brings with it a huge responsibility, as a production Coordinator must ensure efficient use of all personnel, machinery and material. They also coordinate production plans within production plans. There is a master production plan that is implemented by the Coordinator at the management level. This plan is responsible for target dates and on-time completion of various tasks. A Production coordinator is an extremely vital and essential part of any company as he makes sure of the material coming in, the production, the dateline and the dispatch. Basically he must oversee and manage all schedules to do with production, no matter how big or how small. They are responsible for identifying problems and taking corrective action.

A coordinator is in charge of maintaining a record of the production process and studying it to search for ways to improve it. In smaller companies, coordinators may have to develop work schedules and prioritise work orders.

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