
What Is The Percentage Of Water On Earth?


19 Answers

James Milford Profile
James Milford answered
Today, over 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, with the vast majority of that being saltwater. Only about 2.5% of the water on Earth is freshwater and therefore fit to drink. The Earth has gone through many changes in the 4.5 billion years it has existed, and water was not always the most dominant feature on the planet.

Keep in mind this percentage is only an approximation since water is always in a cycle on this planet and changing forms from liquid to gas, so an exact percentage could change on almost a daily basis. The 70% of the Earth that is submerged beneath the ocean is no by means flat and featureless. The oceans has a wide variety of mountains, trenches, canyons, plains, and plateaus. The pressure of the water is always changing the underwater landscape over time and exploration of this region of the planet is one of the great challenges facing man today.

The vast abundance of water on our planet is what distinguishes us from the other planets in our Solar System. Not only is water present in oceans and freshwater lakes, streams, rivers, and man-made lakes, as both polar regions are covered in thick ice caps that some people believe are melting at an alarming rate and adding to the water in the oceans due to the burning of fossil fuels and other activity by man that is artificially warming the planet. If this is true, major changes could happen over the next few decades and several million people who live next to the oceans in major cities could be in danger.

The levels of percentages of water on the planet are something scientists will continue to monitor very closely in the next few years, as even a slight change in levels could have a huge effect on the human and animal populations here.
Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
The percentage of water on earth is basically comprised of the water bodies on this earth, which comprises of ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, canal, pond, or puddle. The majority of the water on this earth planet comprises of sea water. The water volume of the earth is around 1,360,000,000km3 (326,000,000mi3). This water volume comprises of around 1,320,000,000km3 (316,900,000mi3 or 97.2%) is in the oceans, 25,000,000 km3 (6,000,000 mi3 or 1.8%) comprises of glaciers and icecaps, 13,000,000 km3 (3,000,000 mi3 or 0.9%) is of groundwater, and the fresh water in lakes, inland seas, and rivers comprises of 250,000 km3 (60,000 mi3 or 0.02%). The atmospheric water vapour comprises of 13,000 km3 (3,100 mi3 or 0.001%).
thanked the writer.
aaaaaa aaaaaa
aaaaaa aaaaaa commented
But what's the percentage?...Most water is on the surface (on the crust). The actual area of the Earth is massive in comparison to the surface, so the percentage of water compared to the whole of the Earth is under 1%.
Anonymous commented
I'm also curious to know the percentage of H2O against the rest of the physical planet (land, soil, whatever). I remember reading somewhere that it's the same percentage as in our own bodies, and I am looking for someone to varify that.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
About seventy two percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water.  Ocean waters now cover nearly 71 percent of Earth's surface, whereas fresh waters in lakes and rivers cover less than 1 percent.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
71% is water on earth
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most oceanographers agree that Earth should be called Planet Ocean.  Therefore it is safe to say that 2/3 as in 70-75% of this planet is water.  Need I say that the ocean water on this planet is rising every day because of the infamous glacier melting on both the North and South Poles. To say that the "Earth is almost entirely "rock" is almost saying we are back to the beginning before the earth plane separated into continents.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The 70% figure represents the surface area of Earth that is covered by water. The .12% represents the figure when the total volume of the Earth is taken into consideration. That is to say: There is no water in the Inner Core of the Earth, no water in the Outer Core of the Earth, no water in the Mantle of the Earth. Water is only found on the Crust of the Earth, the smallest division by far of the planet. Even underneath the oceans, there is still Crust that is made of rock.

PS Genii is plural of genius. Based on your responses, you probably did not know that either.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Geez. Get your terms right, people! The 70% is the percentage of the Earth's *surface area* that is covered by water. If the radius of the Earth is about 4000 miles, the *volume* of the Earth is about 268,100,000,000 cubic miles. From the first answer, the volume of water is 326,000,000 cubic miles, or 0.12% of the Earth's volume. Our bodies are mostly water. The Earth is almost entirely "rock".

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