Lower Leg Pain, What Is Wrong?


3 Answers

Kathy Castillo Profile
Kathy Castillo answered
There could be a number of possible reasons for your leg pain. It could be simple such as muscle strains or it could be serious such as blood clots. Many times, a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the blood can cause leg cramps and pain. It could also be a problem with your bones such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. So, my advice to you would be to go discuss this with your doctor and have him run some test to determine what is going on.  You should not put this off as it could be something serious.
John Willton Profile
John Willton answered

Lower leg pain results
from overuse, wear and tear, or injuries in bones or in muscles, or other soft
tissues. If you're suffering from lower leg pain, you may wonder if it's serious or something you can
treat at home. There are many medicine available . t

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The lower leg is made up of two bones, the tibia and the fibula, and muscles and tendons.

Pain in the lower leg can be caused by overuse, overexertion or trauma from a fall or blow. The lower leg also can be affected by heart and circulatory diseases, such as congestive heart failure, or blood clots and inflammation in the veins of the legs.

Phlebitis is the inflammation of a vein, sometimes accompanied by a blood clot. The inflammation can cause aching, swelling and redness in the lower portion of one leg. A blood clot in one of the veins of the leg can further increase swelling by blocking the flow of blood back to the heart. Phlebitis requires immediate medical attention to keep a potential clot from moving into the heart or lungs.

Narrowing of the Arteries
Narrowing of the arteries occurs when plaque builds up on the arteries in the leg, a process called peripheral arterial disease. The plaque blocks blood flow into the leg and keeps the lower leg muscles from getting enough oxygen. This causes pain or cramping in your calf that goes away if you stop the activity and returns if you resume it. The condition, called intermittent claudication, usually occurs in older adults and heavy smokers. Activity may cause pain, because the working muscles fail to get the oxygen they need. The pain is relieved shortly after exercise or activity is stopped because the muscles don’t need as much oxygen. If you have symptoms of intermittent claudication, see your doctor.

Shin Splint
A shin splint is an overuse injury that causes inflammation of the shin muscles. Shin splints are a common injury among runners and other athletes, store clerks, warehouse and factory workers, and others who are on their feet all day on hard concrete floors.

The most common causes of shin splints include:

Muscle imbalance (the calf muscle is stronger than the shin muscles)

A tight Achilles tendon (the tendon at the back of the heel and ankle)

Not enough shock absorption during high-impact exercise

Running on the balls of the feet, without allowing the heel to touch the ground

Doing too much activity too fast

Symptoms include aching at the front or inner side of the lower leg. Generally, there is no swelling, redness or bruising. The pain may begin suddenly or build slowly.

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