Don Moran
Don Moran answered

Of the ones still in the theatres, I liked Tom Cruise's EDGE OF TOMORROW.  It's a human drama with a sci fi background of the very near future.  Cruise's character Major Bush is transformed from a selfish, self-centered self promoter to someone who is strong, brave and self-sacrificing.  It has a positive ending and Emily … Read more

Don Moran
Don Moran commented on attz malik's answer
I know you want to put a positive spin on Voodoo, but there is nothing "Divine" in it's source. The Africans brought in the Dark Forces to the world and what was once a Golden Age for Africa fell into ruin. Today, Voodoo is known to kill many people still in Africa, my African friends … Read more
Don Moran
Don Moran answered

50,000 years ago, African was in a Golden Age.  The Kingdom was known as HYPERBORIA.  They had a great understanding of the One GOD and the Light and Sound of GOD.  Also, they had a great grasp of math, metals, eye surgery, brain surgery, as well as,  architecture in the building of cities of gold.  … Read more

Don Moran
Don Moran commented on Beth Jayne's answer
Dreams aren't just stuff the mind makes up. When we drop off to sleep, as SOUL, we leave the body and explore other worlds to have experiences there. Sometimes we go to the TIME TRACK and see a past life or we may look at the future and then something we dream happens later on, … Read more
Don Moran
Don Moran voted up Selie Visa's answer
There is a world of difference between between "incarnation' and reincarnation'. Incarnation is the central Christian doctrine that God became flesh, that God assumed a human nature and became a man in the form of Jesus Christ. I don't believe in 'reincarnation' which means rebirth of the soul in one or more successive existences, whichRead more
Don Moran
Don Moran answered

Tornadoes are the Power of GOD entering your life, shaking things up, so when you put everything back together, it will be better, stronger and freer...less restrictive.  The POWER OF GOD can be a terrifying thing, like seeing a Tidal Wave.  But, after the storm comes the Rainbow of Love and Light....Blessings..!

Don Moran
Don Moran answered Anonymous' question

This could be a dream of Invasion.  I would not allow this person back in my dream state.  Dreams aren't just something the mind cooks up.  As SOUL, we journey into other worlds when we sleep.  Sometimes we meet up with teachers, or loved ones who have passed on.

        This person you … Read more

Don Moran
Don Moran answered

Tornadoes are the Power of GOD entering your life, shaking things up, so when you put everything back together, it will be better, stronger and freer...less restrictive.  The POWER OF GOD can be a terrifying thing, like seeing a Tidal Wave.  But, after the storm comes the Rainbow of Love and Light....Blessings..!

Don Moran
Don Moran answered

SOUL is the sun that never sets.  We ARE SOUL, we don't "have" a Soul.  When the body nods off to sleep, as SOUL, we leave the body an venture into other worlds for various episodes and adventures, which we remember as dreams.  Falling from the sky, is SOUL returning from the other worlds and … Read more

Don Moran
Don Moran commented
Any time you feel threatened, just start repeating the word HU, like I mentioned previously. I apologize for not explaining it better before. But, HU is the root word of Hallaluah, which is from the words..Allah and HU.. Just drop the allah and sing or chant HU. It comes from the Tenth Plane of HEAVEN … Read more
Don Moran
Don Moran commented
Remember that anyone can call on a HIGHER POWER to get rid of a lower power. You have just as much access to GOD and the DIVINE POWER as any priest or guru. Surround yourself with the GOLDEN LIGHT of GOD'S LOVE and know that nothing can penetrate this LOVE and that you can come … Read more
Don Moran
Don Moran commented
Dreams are a great way to get in touch with what you are doing as SOUL in the other worlds. It sounds like you had a few Dreams of Prophecy. Don't use the knowledge of such dreams to control people, but use them only to avoid trouble or prepare you for some event that may … Read more
Don Moran
Don Moran commented on Janina Hult's answer
Just remember, you can bring in DIVINE SPIRIT directly, you don't need priest or preacher. If you have an occurrence in the middle of the night..then what? Use the technique I gave above for any problem or just as a daily exercise. Do it with LOVE. Love is the greatest force of all, anyway.