Milosz Foltyn
Milosz Foltyn voted up Anonymous' answer

If your boyfriend treats you badly its never too late to split up. You don't stay with someone who treats you badly just because of time. Maybe he is ready to be out of the relationship too and doesn't know how to end it so he is trying to force it.  Either way you're both … Read more

Milosz Foltyn
Milosz Foltyn voted up Anonymous' answer

If your boyfriend treats you badly its never too late to split up. You don't stay with someone who treats you badly just because of time. Maybe he is ready to be out of the relationship too and doesn't know how to end it so he is trying to force it.  Either way you're both … Read more

Milosz Foltyn
Milosz Foltyn voted up PJ Stein's answer

No one finds only one person attractive. I will even make comments about women and ask if he agrees. Like if someone starts dating someone new I will ask, "Isn't Joe's new girlfriend pretty?" Sometimes he agrees and sometimes he won't. I don't care if he thinks someone is attractive. I am secure in our … Read more

Milosz Foltyn
Milosz Foltyn voted up Anonymous' answer

Probably not.  Men are men, women are women, and humans are humans.  

There is a difference between 'finding someone attractive' and being attracted to' people.  If you are claiming you don't find a single other man handsome and nice to look at you are deceiving yourself.  Finding someone attractive is an appreciationRead more