Adena Donnetta
Adena Donnetta voted up Anonymous' answer
IT delivers many advantages to the organization that manages it effectively. From cost savings and improved productivity to greater business intelligence and decision-making capabilities, every organization can benefit from IT. However, these days, business is putting great pressure on IT to cut costs and deliver even more business value. Here are just a few of … Read more
Adena Donnetta
Adena Donnetta voted up David Johnson's answer

Here is the some advantages of information technology:-

  • Increases production and saves time: Business use technology to automate tasks.  A good example is a bakery which uses automated temperature censors to detect any drop or increase in room temperature in a bakery. These censors will send information directly to the operator and report any temperature change. … Read more
Adena Donnetta
Adena Donnetta voted up wiseman hlungwani's answer
As you that IT is making the world go around the, when you can look to communication in business we can communicate in a different way, IT helps in so ways when we look on nature nower days I think IT is holding our lives. Each and company needs a technology inside even every departmant