daniel coolkid
daniel coolkid voted up
The airplane started off as a plane that would fly only one to two people, but later on it became this huge thing that everyone would use to travel. They realized that this could mak everyone a ton of money and that it would be a great innovation to history. Over the years it has … Read more
daniel coolkid
daniel coolkid thanked
The airplane started off as a plane that would fly only one to two people, but later on it became this huge thing that everyone would use to travel. They realized that this could mak everyone a ton of money and that it would be a great innovation to history. Over the years it has … Read more
daniel coolkid
daniel coolkid voted up Anonymous' answer
The airplane has obviously revolutionized the way travel is thought of. For thousands of years, humans have wished to fly, and finally the dream has become a reality. The invention of the airplane led to the invention of the helicopter and media, as well. Without airplanes, the president would not be able to talk to … Read more
daniel coolkid
daniel coolkid voted up Anonymous' answer
The airplane has obviously revolutionized the way travel is thought of. For thousands of years, humans have wished to fly, and finally the dream has become a reality. The invention of the airplane led to the invention of the helicopter and media, as well. Without airplanes, the president would not be able to talk to … Read more