jjedeka thrilll
jjedeka thrilll voted up Rooster Cogburn's answer

First thing to do is download CCleaner free to clean up all the history and cache junk ! Then change your e-mail password and you'll stop getting so much spam and junk. I change mine about every three months and it virtually stops it. I've been using Yahoo for many years and this works. If … Read more

jjedeka thrilll
jjedeka thrilll voted up Rooster Cogburn's answer

First thing to do is download CCleaner free to clean up all the history and cache junk ! Then change your e-mail password and you'll stop getting so much spam and junk. I change mine about every three months and it virtually stops it. I've been using Yahoo for many years and this works. If … Read more

jjedeka thrilll
jjedeka thrilll voted up Corey The Goofyhawk's answer

Find the resource, whether it be online or a physical building, that offers reviews and experiences of the many different suppliers. In the United States, we have the Better Business Bureau for some businesses where customers can review or read others reviews/complaints on a buisness. You could try Googling the companies you are considering, as … Read more