Toni Pauze

Coffee will have to be labeled with a warning for cancer. Will it make you stop drinking it? Cut down?


10 Answers

crf rgrtbrtbgrgb Profile

I don't drink coffee, except for the occasional iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons.

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

I will continue to drink the same amount of coffee I do now. I don't understand how after all these years, they are just now telling us that.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I think it is safe to say that everything we do while we live results in death---whether proximate or remote dying.

I told my mother about 20 years ago that all of us were probably going to die of something we may never have heard about by the time it happens.

So, no, I'll stay with my one cup a day.

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

I might cut down.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

If I'm gonna do that than I better stop pumping gas at the gas station, no more plugging in cords (YAY!!! No vacuuming!!!) And I better get out of the smog of So Cal STAT! I'm more paranoid of bugs I can't see killing me then my yummy delicious tasty 2-3 cups (plus) of coffee!!!

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

I already quit smoking... I'm not giving up coffee.  :)

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Not a problem in my case, I’m a tea drinker myself.

I remember my parents used to sit around chain smoking and drinking pots of coffee with their trashy friends. Stunk up the house. Dirty cups and nasty ashtrays everywhere 🤢.

Likely why I became disinclined to smoke or drink coffee. 

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