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Do you believe the allegations against Michael Jackson for child sexual abuse?


6 Answers

crf rgrtbrtbgrgb Profile

Who knows,  I would say that anyone could  say something about someone if they were mega superstars. He was in and out of court for years and not convicted, even one of his past accusers later admitted that he lied about it. I'm sure someone out there knows the truth but as far as I'm concerned, let the guy sleep in peace. 

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I think he is guilty and got away with it cuz of his money and name. I'm sorry but it's not normal for a grown man to sleep in a bed with someone else's child... Especially alone!

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

I believe he was a creepy mf’er, whatever he did went to the grave with him. Let it stay there.

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

I believe he was a sick and perverted pedophile that got away with sexually abusing multiple little boys, it's not just the two that are men now and had the guts to come out and tell the truth about what he did to them,  sad part  is no one will ever really know how many little boys he abused, as far as I'm concerned he was no better than R Kelly the other famous pedophile.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I have believed he was guilty since the rumors first started decades ago. Something about him always gave me the creeps.

Darren Wolfgang Profile
Darren Wolfgang answered

I believe money is what kept Michael Jackson from going to prison all the stuff he done involving them kids and every time he went to court he was left off with a slap on the wrist so i believe money talks and bullsh$t walks . What he did was a horrible thing and my heart goes out to them victims who will never see him serve a day in prison also i believe there was lot of Hush money involved too with what he did . I do think we will never know what all went on but i believe more victims will come out and tell what went on.

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