Arthur Wright
Arthur Wright answered

Im going to take it that youre talking about chain saws here which the chain pump is an internal pump that lubricates the saw blade itself everytime it spins so it cuts cleaner and easier and saves wear on the chain itself

sherlin smith
sherlin smith answered

In a series circuit every component is connected in a series,in a series circuit the current through each of the components is the same, and the voltage across the circuit is the sum of the voltages across each component.The examples of series circuit are Switches are wired in series with the appliances and Fuses are … Read more

sherlin smith
sherlin smith answered

The ohm's law was named after German scientist Georg Simon Ohm. The law explains mathematical relationship among electric current, resistance and voltage.

DDX Project
DDX Project answered Anonymous' question

They do, all of Tesla's technology patents are available for free.  In fact, it is the main reason other manufacturers are expanding into EV. Toyota and Mercedes both have stakes in the company and uses many of it's parts including the battery.

Elon stated many times that you can just use it, no discussion or … Read more

Cameron Robertson
Cameron Robertson answered Sarah George's question

Storage heaters are more economical if you require a heating system for the whole house. However, they take a much longer time to heat up so it is best to turn them on a few hours before you take a shower. You need to make your own prior calculations depending on your usage timings.

Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Anonymous' question

Expensive---purchase wise: Yes.

But last longer and consume less power.

Haven't done the calculations, but probably cheaper in the long run---baring anomalies and externalities.

HappyTo BeHereTo
HappyTo BeHereTo answered Anonymous' question

We are slowly switching as the bulbs burn out.  This info from Lowe's might help you find the right one.

Lumens - the amount of light emitted from a light bulb. More lumens equals brighter light, fewer lumens
equals dimmer … Read more

Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn answered Anonymous' question

I have an LED light fixture in my kitchen and it works great ! Bulbs last a couple of years and aren't that expensive. Had to finally replace it the other day and it was about $8.50 if I remember right. It's rated to compare with a 60 watt bulb and I love it. I … Read more

Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Trueshelby Shelby's question

A quick scan of the lessons in this site  should help:

Ray Dart
Ray Dart answered Sushant Patil's question

Don't ever use RR Kabel. They are so short of money that they have to advertise by spamming on UK Q&A websites (which also means that they do not know their market). A bad company to be doing business with.