Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Joyce Hall's question

A lawyer's advice is almost always helpful  (The following was actually an example from a video I saw online some years ago on the topic of "what good is a lawyer.")

Concrete example---you are witness to a murder.  You are the only witness and you positively identify the shooter.  Further you are shown a picture of … Read more

PJ Stein
PJ Stein answered HappyTo BeHereTo's question

While my husband is not totally bald he does shave his head. And I don't think they put hair color on a FL driver's license. (Too many people dye their hair anyway.) On his military ID they list hair color and they use the color of the eyebrows for the hair color.

Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang answered HappyTo BeHereTo's question

When my husband went through his shaved head stage he just put down the color his hair normally is.

But if I am having fun then I say it says "shinny!!!!" Lol!