Joyce Hall
Joyce Hall answered Taylor Brookes' question

When Christ was born, the magic were so incredibly happy that they gave HIM gifts. We carry on in this tradition.

Your problem is most likely the shopping, ECT that has little if any to do with the Christ Child. I agree. Its just a tradition for us Christians, that's all I know.

Maurice Korvo
Maurice Korvo answered Otis Campbell's question

-15C here this morning (that's about +5F) Had 4-6 inches of snow yesterday. :) Looks like a white Christmas this yearΒ  LOL

Moses Leonard
Moses Leonard answered

Euthanasia reduces pain to the ill person, Reduces cost, Grants the persons a respected death, freedom of choice is granted on the other hand human dignity is abused, Regrets can accompany those involved in the case of involuntary decisions and to some religion, they abuse the principles of religion.

Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson answered Joyce Hall's question

You may find his interesting:

By "protest," Gertrude doesn't mean "object" or "deny"β€”these meanings postdate Hamlet. The principal meaning of "protest" in Shakespeare's day was "vow" or "declare solemnly," a meaning preserved in our use of "protestation." When we smugly declare that "the lady doth protest too much," we almost always mean that the lady objects … Read more