Robert Couture
Robert Couture answered question
"Shabbat" is the Hebrew word for "sabbath." "Shalom" is a greeting that works as both "hello" and "goodbye." Hence, "Shabbat shalom" is a greeting for the Sabbath. Israelis colloquially use it on Thursdays and Fridays as a rough equivalent to the American "have a good weekend." As a side note, "shalom" literally means "peace." Thus … Read more
Robert Couture
Robert Couture answered question
If you live in the US, legally you can't.  You are violating the DMCA. (Digital Millenium Copyright Act)  All commercial DVD's have copy protection and cannot easily be copied.  It can be done for *most* DVD's, but it is a long, drawn out process.  You can look at to give you some resources to … Read more
Robert Couture
Robert Couture answered
If you replaced the brake light switch on the pedal, I would test the circuit at that point. Is power getting to the brake light switch? When you close the switch is power going through the wire towards the rear of the car. Do not rule out that the replacement switch may be defective. Also, … Read more