Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Anonymous' answer
Farting All The Time Doctor, "What seems to be the problem?"

Patient, "Doc, I've got the farts. I mean I fart all the time,"

The Doctor nods, "Hmm."

Patient, "My farts do not stink and you can't hear them. It's just that I fart all the time. Look, we've been talking here for about 10 minutes and I've
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Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Robyn Rothman's answer
I have a dear friend who is being forced to sell her house, so I would see that her mortgage would be paid in full.  I'd put money into my niece's and nephew's trust fund for college.  I'd be able to contribute to all those charities I haven't been able give to.  After that, I'm not really sure.   … Read more
Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Dan Banks' answer

Nonviolence is a concept in which the fundamental belief is you do not need to resort to violence in order to achieve your goals. This includes hurting other people, animals or even the environment, and usually it's used as a method of political protest.

Perhaps the most famous nonviolent protestor of all is Mahatma Gandhi, a … Read more

Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Yo Kass' answer

Well, the first thing to remember is that tennis has a slightly unusual points system.

The tennis points system

When one player scores, they don't get just 1 point. To complicate things further, every time a player scores, their points go up by different amounts:

First off, if you have 0 points - it's called 'love".

Then the first … Read more

Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Anonymous' answer
The history of the word "Wiki" is Hawaiian based which means quick. If we move towards the definition of the word then Wiki stands for a joint website whose content can be edited by anyone who has the access to that website. Wiki websites are designed keeping in mind the term "what I know" about … Read more
Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked
Tony Blair started the Iraq war for Britain, claming the Taliban had weapons of mass destruction, and I think it was a complete waste of our time.

And I mean, c'mon - the time we spent in Iraq, we could have started a war with another country! 
Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Yo Kass' answer

The only reason war was waged in Iraq was because the Saudi royal family and oil companies affiliated with the Bush administration wanted to make sure we all kept paying $100 for a barrel of oil.

What's worse is that, in a kind of twisted way - we should all be grateful they did!

What was theRead more

Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked

In my thinking, I believe that U.S. wanted oil for their own sake, and probably underestimated their enemy. They probably thought that Iraq was an easy target. 

I know 9/11 had occurred and that affected many citizens' thinking. I was terrified, too, when I saw the buildings failing on TV. But we just can't think of … Read more

Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Anonymous' answer

Apparently, he spends a lot of his time online. Kind of ironic, considering he's holed up in Ecuador's embassy building in London because he leaked sensitive documents onto the internet.

The room that Julian Assange lives in has been converted from an office space into living quarters. He uses a bookcase to divide the … Read more

Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked
Your body makes about 1litre of saliva every day. You get a new stomach lining every three days. Chewing is actually the first stage of digestion. The small intestine is actually much longer than the large intestine. A meal may take up to three days to pass through your digestive system. In the mouth, food … Read more
Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Anonymous' answer

Actually a palliative care nurse has been quite successful in answering this very question!

Bronnie Ware was an Australian nurse who rose to fame through her blog Inspiration and Chai, which was all about collecting the regrets and "dying euphonies" of the elderly patients in her care.

She then turned the blog into a best-selling … Read more

Raul Gonzalaez
Raul Gonzalaez thanked Amanda Layne's answer

Hah yeah it's a sleazy phrase skanky guys use when they're trying to be cool.

It basically means "Down to f**k?" and is like saying, "hey are you free to engage in casual intercourse even though I have no interest in showing you any respect and don't want to waste time getting to know you.

Basically, I … Read more