Kacper Nowicki
Kacper Nowicki voted up
If you have an ER morphine tablet, a common method of (effective quick) preparation is to crush it up finely and dissolve it as well as you can in a shot glass of water. Once it's dissolved, you can quickly down it (make sure it's on an empty stomach!) and you'll reach a nod in … Read more
Kacper Nowicki
Kacper Nowicki voted up Anonymous' answer
Telemarketing started in 1970s and was introduced for the purpose of easing the process of marketing for businesses. It can be started from any place, whether it is an office cabin, home or a call center. It requires a computer with the data base information about the customer, a dedicated phone line and either an … Read more
Kacper Nowicki
Kacper Nowicki voted up Anonymous' answer
Telemarketing started in 1970s and was introduced for the purpose of easing the process of marketing for businesses. It can be started from any place, whether it is an office cabin, home or a call center. It requires a computer with the data base information about the customer, a dedicated phone line and either an … Read more