Kaj switala
Kaj switala voted up Charles Davis' answer

When I was 12, I was traveling with my sister, her husband and 2 friends of theirs from S California to Minnesota for the summer, when we got into the mountains in N California it was fairly late at night so we pulled over along the highway to sleep for a while Friday night (they … Read more

Kaj switala
Kaj switala voted up Charles Davis' answer

When I was 12, I was traveling with my sister, her husband and 2 friends of theirs from S California to Minnesota for the summer, when we got into the mountains in N California it was fairly late at night so we pulled over along the highway to sleep for a while Friday night (they … Read more

Kaj switala
Kaj switala voted up John Doe's answer

If she's your friend, of course wish her a happy birthday....most friends have arguments, but if the olive branch is never offered, it can never be received!