Mil Reszczynski
Mil Reszczynski voted up Charles Davis' answer

I really think she was intellectually deficient. God in his all perfect way made a flawed creation by not giving them the ability to understand right from wrong. So when the snake (NOT SATAN) told her she would gain knowledge if she ate from the tree, and that God had lied to her, her desire … Read more

Mil Reszczynski
Mil Reszczynski voted up Woof Woofy's answer

its my opinion that an all powerful, perfect being shouldn't have created something so flawed to begin with and than punishes people for it... Sin shouldn't a risen in the first place... And than he kills everyone in a flood for their wickedness instead of just killing the main source of the problem which would … Read more

Mil Reszczynski
Mil Reszczynski voted up Anonymous' answer

It does not matter.

Mil Reszczynski
Mil Reszczynski voted up Anonymous' answer

Can I ask why you even thought of this?  That's ridiculous.