Leopold Kolano
Leopold Kolano voted up HappyTo BeHereTo's answer

Good for you! I always wrote my legal name on the forms.

First Name:  HappyTwo  Last Name:  BeHereTwo

If a place for your preferred name isn't provided, you can write it parenthetically.

First Name:  HappyTwo (Happy)  Last Name:  BeHereTwo

or just verbally introduce yourself that way. 

Good luck!!!

Leopold Kolano
Leopold Kolano voted up Cindy Lou's answer

It's a legal requirement you put your legal name on your paperwork. However, I have seen it done this way:

James Alan ("goes by" Keith) Smith

You have to put the words "goes by" in quotes. You have to write it exactly like I have it with the parenthesis too.

But it's better in the end to … Read more