zenona Trzpil
zenona Trzpil voted up Meg Hayes' answer
There is a lot more to agriculture than just farming. It is a regular business to like any other office job. Computers can provide farmers with an extremely important way of keeping track of their crop cycles, breeding and finances of running their farm. As well providing an invaluable way of keeping farmers organized, the … Read more
zenona Trzpil
zenona Trzpil voted up Anonymous' answer

Computers and their applications changed the face of most traditional occupations including agriculture. From computerized milk collection and seed estimators to weather predictions and automated farmland assessment, computers have revolutionized farming practices. Let us explore the use of computers in agriculture.

zenona Trzpil
zenona Trzpil voted up Lois Dawes' answer
I hope this helps: Although in Note form to excite your thinking...and writing skills The feeling carried in the words Do unto others as you would have others do unto you is but one version of a part of the Biblical command...the Golden Rule.. 'Love God and Love your neighbour as you love yourself' an … Read more
zenona Trzpil
zenona Trzpil voted up
This quote is so old that there really isn't any one person known to have created it. Some people say Jesus said or wrote it, I really don't believe in Jesus but that isn't really relevant here because I believe that it is just one of those principles of character that we begin to understand … Read more