How do you delete your Blurtit account?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

You have to use " Contact " at the bottom of the main page and write to them and tell them you wish to delete your account. I wish you would think more about it and stay. You can also just leave your account and take a break and come back when you wish. That's the best way.

Clement Goh Profile
Clement Goh answered

You have to go to the contact section and write a message asking the Blurtit team to terminate your account. We hope to have you back.

Doo Koo Profile
Doo Koo answered

I am beginning to wonder about that myself. This place may not be for me seeing as it seems the vast majority are way younger.

1 Person thanked the writer.
Kathryn Amis
Kathryn Amis commented
Hi - the majority of people on Blurtit may be younger......but that is why they need more 'mature' members like me and you! We bring a different dimension to the site. Stay - we need you!
Doo Koo
Doo Koo commented
LOL... I have no intention of leaving. It was a passing thought. Btw, I'm not the least bit mature :)
Jaymi Hudson
Jaymi Hudson commented

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