
Can You Give An Example Of A Chores Rota, That My Family Or Friends Could Use?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Me and my family had one and no one ever stuck to it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Heloo, me and my family to a rota like this-

Chore | mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun |

and then under chores we put the chores like dishes, feed dog, etc etc. .. .   Then you put the persons name. Hope it helped
Mark Westbrook Profile
Mark Westbrook answered
Certainly, a chore rota, can be the best way to ensure that the chores actually get done. You may want to including different places such as the toilet, shower, bath, hoovering the floors, the cleaning the kitchen, doing the washing up, doing the washing, try to spread them out throughout the week so that you don't have everything together.

Feel free to swap these around, but mine would look like this:

Person A Person B Person C

Week 1 Vacuum Kitchen Bathroom

Week 2 Kitchen Bathroom Vacuum

Obviously you continue this for months, adding the amount of tasks or the amount of people. You can also add a daily task to these or if you want, you can leave it open to when the person does it as long as they do, do it.

The only problems arise when someone does not do their share of the chores. This can be problematic and causes arguments.

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