Dioon Edule
Dioon Edule answered
Almost never. Tests for the metabolites of these synthetic cannabinoids are very rare, and those that exist are only checking for the a couple of these compounds that are now rather uncommon in brands of Spice. These tests are used almost exclusively by the military and are extremely rare for employment, probation, or other purposes. … Read more
Amanda Moore
Amanda Moore answered TERRIONE MORRISON's question
Synthetic weed doesn't show up in a test and only last 3-4 hours, I smoked it the day before took a test the next day and nothing showed up in the test, if you smoke synthetic marijuana and they are searching for real marijuana it will not show up you could run a million tests … Read more
Melissa Turk
Melissa Turk answered
I had a boyfriend who used opiates recreationally but who also had to drop urine for probation.  Usually, 2-3 days before dropping, he would stop the opiates and flush his system with as much water as he could drink.  This method only failed him one time during the year and a half that I knew him.
Kevin Burke
Kevin Burke answered
Klonopin (clonazepam) generally does not cause a positive reaction for benzo's in a urine drug screen.  The reason for this is because benzodiazepine drug tests typically screen for oxazepam, a metabolite of most benzodiazepines.  Clonazepam is not metabolized into oxazepam and therefore usually does not cause a positive result for benzo's.  The drug test needs … Read more
Coco RS
Coco RS answered
No one can tell you exactly how long will take but usually cocaine get out of metabolic system (blood) fast ... Up to week (little more time for person with slow metabolism, low physical activity, etc..) So better run a home drug test , some pharmacy have single panel coc urine test or you can … Read more
Coco RS
Coco RS answered Jeff Geiger's question
Depends on the test panels , but generally can show up positive ... Oxycodone is synthetic opiate and require a lower cut off (usually 100ng/ml or 100 nano gram oxy per 1 milliliter urine) detection level than non synthetic opiates (usually 2000ng/ml). So if test include oxy panel -will show up positive/ only opiate test … Read more
John answered Blabitty Blah's question
This depends on your age and weight. It also depends on if a doctor told you to take more or less while treating you. If all else fails read the label on the bottle or call a drug store and talk to the what do they call those guys that make prescriptions in the drug … Read more