Why Don't My Friends Like Me Anymore? What Is Wrong With Me?


21 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That is nothing but JEALOUSY....if they can not be happy for you and your success then reconsider your friends...they are not friends at all...but you know there will always be jealousy and envy when a person sees someone doing better than them....just turn the other cheek and see things as if you're not having people hating on you then you must be doing something wrong
Shayne Hutcheson Profile
You know, I've had a lot of friends that have hooked up with a partner and I've subsequently lost the pleasure of their company in the process. I have found though that even though I may have lost that particular friend (for a while at least while they are in that "honeymoon" period with their new lover) I have gained lots more over time.

I think the answer is to let things unfold naturally and you'll find that new people come into your life, you just need to notice them! New people are coming into you life all the time and you never know just how much of a good friend they could be.

With your friend who has a new man, you'll probably find that she'll get back in touch with you in time. In the mean while you would have made lots more friends so might not even have time for her anymore!

So yeah, just get out there, exlpore, meet new people, make new friends and you'll find you life is a lot richer for it.

Good luck and have fun!
Robyn Rothman Profile
Robyn Rothman answered
Why do you think there's something wrong with you? If you have done something to bring about this change in their attitude, it would have been nice for them to tell you what you did, if anything. If you were closer to one of them, you might take her aside and ask her if you've done something to upset them. Friends should be honest with one another. If it's about money, they are the ones with the problem, not you.

If they won't come clean with you, you don't want to be hanging with people who find fault with you and your life, find some new friends. You should also take a close look at yourself. Is it possible that ypu have changed in some way? Be honest with yourself. If I knew how old you are, I might have a little more insight into your problem. Sometimes it's just a part of growing up. We change as we mature. I hope you will be able to have a heart-to-heart with them. Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Know what happened, What you said and your actions and what they said and thier actions .Maybe something you said or did that changed thier mind about you that they didnt like . Or maybe the way your changing like your attitude towards them is becoming to hard for them to handle .

Friends come and go .

Its life . The easier you learn to let things go and forget things the better life will be for you .
But if you want to remain friends , Say sorry and give it time . Time always help when it comes to friends .
Don't force them to be your friends again . Let them be .
Don't make it seem like your overly sorry sorry them . ASK for forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness from the person you hurt. You may be forgiven. You may not. Regardless, seeking forgiveness is a step toward healing the emotional wounds.

FORGIVE yourself. Whether someone else forgives you or not, you must forgive yourself. It helps you come to terms with what happened. It helps you heal.

MOVE on. What's done is done. Why dwell on the past? It doesn't change what happened. Learn from it, and move on .

ANd , Remember that life lessons are sometimes expensive. You may need to lose a friend in order to learn how to be a better one.
WHat youll need to help yourself is a positive mind,

Good luck and Be STROONGG! (:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Reconsider your friends . Its hard but friends come before boy friends in MY eyes .

Look how shes treating you when shes with her boyfriend . Is it fair ? Good ? Or poor ? Let her know that shes changing and has a chance to loose you if she doesnt shape up . But be 100% honest . Honest is key to friendship .
Friends come and go ,
Its life .
Regardless of the situation or the final result, there is inevitably a healing process that follows the loss of a friend. The closer you are to your friend, the more difficult this process will probably be. There is nothing wrong with taking time to mourn if this will help you overcome the loss. So if it’s pain you feel for the loss of a friend, allow yourself to feel it.

The emotions you feel are very real. You can’t expect them to go away over night, and in some cases, especially if a great amount of hurt is involved, the feelings may never go away completely. Sometimes time can heal these wounds and probley will .
Good luck . Have a positive mind and a strong heart .
patrick mc mullan Profile
I think as we grow older and start forging partnerships our old friendships are bound to change. We have other things to occupy or time and our friends who are not in serious relationships are pursuing different goals when they go out, ie getting a fella or girlfriend. I think its part of the cycle of life and as it says in the bible somewhere, its time to put away childish things. I think this means its time to move on to the next level in life. Especially when new partners are spending more and more time with each other in order to get to know each other better before making commitments.
Tamalika Mukherjee Profile
You should just go up to them and ask them directly what they don't like about you and why they're treating you the way they are.I'm sure you'll get a hearty answer,based on which you can decide for yourself whether its their fault or yours for them acting with you in that manner.If they're just jealous of your wealth they don't deserve your time and you should just get some new friends who really care about YOU instead of your POSSESSIONS.I know its hard,but its got to be done.You can't just worry about what they think for the rest of your life.If you don't confront them now,matters will just get worse and you'll be the one losing out on the opportunity to patch up with your old friends or make new ones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We Have to leave them so that they could feel that have lost some person and when you get a lot of friends around you they would feel like their lonely they they will come to you again and needs to come back after you had a lot of new friends and a new life after her ,,,
So the people who don't care about you .. Just leave them and give them a time .. And they will come back!
And I wish that I helped you with this ;p ;*
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The same exact problem is happening with me.
I used to have these two best friends that were completely equal to me. I spent equal amount of time with them and loved both of them to death. They were friends, but weren't close like I was with them. Now, the one I was 5% closer to barely ever talks to me, all she wants to do is be with my other friend. She'll never invite me over, never do anything with me. But sure, she'll invite the other one. I fell so upset sometimes, and I get that feeling that their talking about me. It's horrible. I guess I just got used to having both of them all to myself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know exactly how you feel. My best friend used to talk to me all the time about the most random of stuff, but now she only ever talks about how much guys like her. It's as though she's trying to make me jealous. And whenever I say I like something, she always laughs at me and says about how much she dislikes it. I always feel that my friends talk about me. But I don't care that much to be honest because I'm starting college soon and hopefully I'll make some better friends.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My Friends didnt like me beacuse of a little thing we sorted it out but now   I know who my true friend are and 1n time some girl was talking about me I kept on arguing wid her now I stopped because I want to be d betta person x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I'm Nick Ive been in orosi high school in california for almost 3 years and I known my friend Samatha for 3 years and Ive tried to show even though I might not have a chance of being her boy friend I still want to be close friend's with her you know be buddie's but her friend's Jackie ,Erica, told her I'm a pervert/psyco don't talk or be his friend anymore just because I wrote to her that I like her  and I've heard she said  "WOW NICK IS THAT TYPE OF GUY " and now  she got a boy friend that I didn't knon about and now all she said's to me is "HI NICK" and that's it I don't know If she's even my friend anymore
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yea I don't get it. I see myself as the more mature, outgoing, and more active one of the group, I don't act differently than anybody else. I'm not into the same stuff they are, which right now consists of them smoking weed, playin video games and workin out all the time (I work out at home anyways) yet I don't understand why my friends wont call me. I spend so many hours at home by myself doing nothing, and I'm getting pretty tired of it. I've considered doing a lot of different things. I've confronted some of them and all they say is "well you don't call or text me either" when in reality I try getting ahold of everyone all the time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should maybe ask them why. If they  don't tell you try hanging out with some there people.
kitty haha Profile
kitty haha answered
Talk to them and say hey what did I do to you (say nicely) and tell them that your sorry.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm in the same situation I am 13 and I didnt do anything to my friends and the only person that is being nice to me is my (X) friend chylas boufriend! I don't get it can I get some help too that would be great
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Caca at your faces hahahaha tell them that once it worked then they with fall laughing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you want friends, be a friend. "Friends are seldom found; they are made." -Wentworth-
Go out and find someone who needs a friend, and you never know what can happen! "Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." -James M. Barrie
Still love your friends who may drift from you. Bring sunshine to their lives, but don't be afraid to make new ones in letting this one go. You cannot force her to stay around. And tell her how you feel. If she is a true friend, you will be able to work out an understanding.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was just wandering the same question:( my friends suck and I want them to think that I don't care but they all gang up on me and I don't know how to act to show I don't care.

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