I Mixed Water With My Urine On A Drug Test. How Will This Be Affected? Does Anyone Know?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I like Ryanna's answer, because they will get a "clear" answer, however, they will probably be able to tell by the lack of concentration, and the smell of chlorine in your urine, that it has been altered in some way.  I don't know if watering down your urine, will help in any way, because the tests are sensitive and can usually pick up whatever you're trying to hide.  Good luck with that test! 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They will probably get a clear answer, if they don't they will make you come in for another test. Here is a chart that tells you how long the stuff they test for stays in your system... en.wikipedia.org
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Sorry Ryanna, couldn't resist, it's my strange sense of humor coming out! It happens when I'm up too late. Please, take no offense.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What were the results of your screening? I am curious about this because I did the same thing the yesterday for a simple 'quick' test and am constantly dreading hearing back from them.
wilbert u can call me sue Profile
This is far from wise as well they may detect the chlorine and other subtances in the water getting you in more trouble
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No you will come out nureadbal and they will call you for a other test the same day be there but it will give you time to get clean percozet last in urine 4 two days if you drik lots of water
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends. If you are not drinking enough fluids your normal urine would be dark yellow so if you mixed it with water it would lighten up the urine but don't think that the lab will not detect the drug in the urine just because it is diluted (because you drank more water or added it to the urine cup). The lab can still detect drugs in blood or urine even in small amounts. And it is also dishonesty to add water to your urine for testing. Best thing is DON'T DO DRUGS, at all!!

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