finley drass
finley drass thanked Lynn Blakeman's answer
Having herpes does not automatically mean mean that you have HIV, but it is certainly worth taking a test, as you have exposed yourself to the risk of sexually transmitted infection.

You can see your doctor for this, visit a specialist clinic, or even buy a test on the internet to do it in the privacy … Read more
finley drass
finley drass thanked Yo Kass' answer

If you've had a look at any of the other HIV-related questions on Blurtit, you might notice that are two major problems with trying to diagnose HIV online:

1. The initial symptoms are similar to so many other conditions (such as the common cold even). After a few weeks, the virus begins to lay dormant and … Read more

finley drass
finley drass thanked Yo Kass' answer

Since you've had unprotected sex, it's possible that you have HIV - but the sore throat won't have anything to do with that.

The early signs of HIV infection are a flu-like symptoms that can appear as early as 2 weeks after intercourse (so not the same day or same week even). This comes about as … Read more