N. Harmonik

At the risk of not getting a concrete answer, I wanna ask conspiracy theorists this: If the government is cruel enough to kill its own people at [event], why hasn't it disposed of people like you who "know" the "truth" and could "expose" it?


1 Answers

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

There are definitely governments that kill their own people (Assad, Putin), but with them it's really obvious. With Putin, his political critics are suddenly "mysteriously gunned down" right by the Kremlin or poisoned with radioactive polonium. It's not subtle. If it were happening here, Alex Jones would be dead by now.

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N. Harmonik
N. Harmonik commented
We should send Alex Jones and his ilk to countries ruled by real dictatorships and see how long they would last. Or maybe they'd be too cowardly to speak up against actual injustices?

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