hheassler taihhdyn
hheassler taihhdyn voted up Rooster Cogburn's answer

Here are two views on that subject Otis. Hard to tell but I would have to say no. I want to believe they treat Vets better but I've seen plenty of mistreatment over the years.

False Choice: Veterans vs. Immigrants - FactCheck.org

How America Treats Illegal Aliens vs. VeteransRead more

hheassler taihhdyn
hheassler taihhdyn voted up Rooster Cogburn's answer

Here are two views on that subject Otis. Hard to tell but I would have to say no. I want to believe they treat Vets better but I've seen plenty of mistreatment over the years.

False Choice: Veterans vs. Immigrants - FactCheck.org

How America Treats Illegal Aliens vs. VeteransRead more