
What are the best diet pills?


1 Answers

Phil Newton Profile
Phil Newton answered

The truth that a lot of people will be unhappy to hear is that there aren't any "best diet pills".  

In fact, the majority of diet pills on the market are nothing short of useless.  I'll explain why in more detail below.

Why don't diet pills work?

For the most part, diet pills are simply filled with ingredients that are "supposed" to boost your metabolism, or cause a thermal effect that "burns more calories".  In reality, this almost never works. 

The majority of ingredients in diet pills are simply put in there based on myth.  Some of the common ingredients include acai berries, cabbage powder, various peppers, and magical beans.  

None of the above actually make any difference, but supplement companies will add as many of these ingredients into a single diet pill as they can to encourage people to buy them thinking they'll lose weight quickly. 

Obesity epidemic

If you take a step back and think about it, it's pretty obvious that most diet pills don't work.  Government's around the globe are spending huge amounts of money each year to encourage overweight people to lose weight.  Can you imagine a government not seizing an opportunity to use diet pills to make their citizens lose weight? Nope, neither can I.

How to lose weight quickly?

The best way to lose weight quickly and properly is to lead an active lifestyle and eat a balanced diet.  You can find out how many calories you should be eating per day by entering your details into a tool on  If you follow what it tells you to eat per day, you WILL lose weight, and you WILL do it in a healthy way.

You'll also save yourself a load of cash in the process.  My advice is to stay well clear of diet pills. They're useless.

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