Madeline Hart

What are the main problems married people have?


2 Answers

angie zhang Profile
angie zhang answered

this really depends on the married couple , sometimes marriage is complicated while for some it is easy and nothing bad is going on so far , it really depends on the personalities of the people in the marriage ,, one person may be very into something while the other couldn't care less , although married couples usually marry because they find love and happiness , but unfortunately you probably don't know the person until you're married and know their habits and bad parts of them . Some couples accept each others flaws , while some deal with them differently , problems like financial problems , relationship problems can cause the couple to break up . There are many marriage problems but many  married couples learn to cope and deal with their partners flaws .

Neil Sorathia Profile
Neil Sorathia ,, answered

Now a day the major problem for married people is financial problem and relationship problems. Which situation creates misunderstanding.

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