
What are you struggling with?


5 Answers

Ian Michael Turner Profile

A lot more than some, and a lot less than others. We all must endure a certain amount of suffering in life, that's just part and parcel of it, and as the old saying goes; "No pain no gain"!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Right now, aside from school, trying to win over the heart of a girl I'm madly in love with, who has a boyfriend. Things are going ok, but very slow as she is quite shy, maybe (hopefully!) because she likes me. I am also more shy than usual around her because I like her. Despite the slow speed, we have both began to relax more, and now I shall begin dodging the friend zone like hell itself :)

Elizabeth MacConnachie Profile

My dads passing; cyberbullying, recovering from a head injury; meeting my half siblings or are better than me and refuse to talk to me and my brothers and them leave me out the time now; arguing with my family who hate me; narcissistic mothers; unemployment; bullying in sports clubs;  depression.  Public humilation;

But, beleive me - NOTHING BETS CANCER FOR ORDEALS.  My aunt has a Brain Tumour and doesnt remember me and she has also become very techy and irritable and can be rude.  I forgive her as its the tumour talking not her. 

Sorry,  I just had to rant.  I am not trying to have some type of one upmanship of who is struggling the most but just listing a summary of the sh*t that goes on in my life.....I am getting REALLY FED UP. 

Oh yeah, and the last time I saw dad (when he was sober) he took pleasure in teling me that my half-sister (concieved with his lover at the time) was great and said how I would like her if I met her and that she was his Apple of his eye  to my face.  

AND I have Aspergers Syndrome, I am a bit dyslexic, I have dyspraxia and dyscalcia 

Izzy SouthernGirl Profile

Um well if someone is struggling with something that is usually what they'd wanna keep to themselves unless they wanna talk about it with a close family member or friend.

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